On April 27, a training was held at the Voskeporik Development Center of the city of Martuni, which was conducted by the special educator, psychologist, and sensory integration therapist of Voskeporik Development Center, Anni Malkhasyan. The training covered a number of questions concerning sensory integration.
1. What is sensory integration?
2. The importance of stimulation of the child’s senses at an early age.
3. Examples of games/exercises aimed at the development of senses.
4. Discussion of specific cases with the participants.
Working with children with special educational needs and being an important platform promoting integration, this time Voskeporik Development Center hosted the pupils of the secondary school of Vaghashen village in Martuni community. The beneficiaries of the Voskeporik Center were also present during the training.
The training was full of interesting practical work. During the discussion, the participants brought out all the possible problems and solutions. Each participant acquired a clear understanding of sensory integration therapy.
Sensory integration therapy is one of the headstones of the center. Voskeporik Development Center always pays special attention to the Parent-Child-Specialist bond.