Within the framework of the Art Opens Doors integration program, Artissimo NGO’s Voskeporik Development Center implements several therapies aimed at improving the physical, mental, and psychological health of children with special educational needs.
Equine therapy is one of the main therapeutic directions, which in the last decade has been recognized as one of the most effective rehabilitative methods for both mental and locomotor system disorders.
During the ride, the horse’s rump performs 110 types of oscillatory movements in different directions, which are transmitted to the rider. To maintain the correct posture, the balance is affected and the movements are coordinated. For this reason, the muscles that are passive in everyday life start to work in children with cerebral palsy. During the ride, the horse’s spine exhibits the same oscillations as the human spine. A person, having locomotor system problems, receives the impulses from the horse to walk correctly.
In addition, the horse’s body temperature is 1-1.5 degrees higher than the human body temperature, and all muscles receive a powerful thermal massage.
Within the framework of Equine Therapy, children with special needs and neurotypical children of the center have the opportunity to not only receive the necessary therapy for improving health but also enjoy moments filled with positive energy and bright impressions.
Equine Therapy is one of the best ways to contribute to the integration of the children into society.